Corridor Mapping Mission Creator Instructions Litchi Mission Utilities Logo

  1. Create a path or waypoint mission using either Google Earth Pro or Litchi
    • If using Google Earth Pro
      1. Add a path by placing a series of points along the structure to be mapped.
      2. Select "OK" to save the path.
      3. Right-click on the Path and choose "Save Place As..." to save it as a KMZ or KML file.
    • If using Litchi's Mission Hub
      1. Add a series of waypoints along the structure to be mapped.
      2. Export this waypoint/mission as a CSV file.
  2. In page one of Corridor Mapping Mission Creator:
    1. Select the desired Litchi units.
    2. Choose whether or not to add photo actions to each waypoint.
    3. Choose whether or not to reverse the input data before converting.
    4. Select the desired waypoint spacing.
    5. Select the desired waypoint height above ground.
    6. Select the desired camera heading at each waypoint.
    7. Select the KMZ/KML/CSV file containing the input path.
    8. Select the "Create Corridor Mapping Mission" button.
  3. In page two of Corridor Mapping Mission Creator:
    1. Review the parameters and calculations.
    2. The displayed image will show the input path, headings, and small dots depicting the normalized waypoints.
    3. Download the Litchi csv file.
  4. In Litchi's Mission Hub:
    1. Use the Missions menu to import the csv file created by Corridor Mapping Mission Creator.
    2. Make sure that the "Path Mode" is set to "Straight Lines".
Corridor Mapping Mission

This application can be used to create a corridor mapping mission by

  1. Normalizing a path (set of input points) so that all waypoints are evenly spaced at a specified distance along the path
  2. Adding camera actions at each waypoint to take a series of photos

The input to this application may come from either Litchi's Mission Hub as a CSV file or Google Earth Pro as KMZ/KML file. The "Path Modes" are described as follows:

  • Equal spacing: This mode enforces the desired waypoint spacing for all waypoints. However, the resulting waypoints may not fall precisely on the input path. This mode may be preferred for paths that are relatively straight.
  • Restart spacing at each control point: This mode places waypoints on each segment with a spacing beginning exactly on each control point. This mode may be preferred when there are radical changes in direction of the control points.
  • Independent segments: This mode uniformly places waypoints on the input path such that each segment has a waypoint near its end with interior waypoints spaced no more (and usually less) than the desired spacing. This mode may be preferred when photos are desired near all segment endpoints.

The chosen path mode may be observed in the following screen.

Take Photos at Waypoints:
Reverse Waypoints:
Path Mode:
Desired Waypoint Spacing:
Height Above Ground:
Heading w.r.t. Flight Path:
KMZ/KML/CSV File Upload:
Litchi Utilities dot Com
by Wes Barris